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GK-SUNV - Andrew Universal Grounding Kit for 1/4 in through 5/8 in corrugated coaxial cable
Grounding kit to allow you to ground exterior antennas.
Manufacturer: Andrew
Manufacturer Part No: GK-SUNV
GK-SUNV Universal Grounding Kit for 1/4 in through 5/8 in corrugated coaxial cable. This is a safety item that should be used on all external mount antennas. Protects against electrical shorts or a nearby lighting strike. The antenna ground provides a lower path to a safe discharge point. Also grounding the antenna will "drain off" electrical noise leaving a cleaner signal. Small Universal Grounding Kit GK-SUNVInstallation Instructions Kit includes: - Grounding kit
- Hardware
- Lug
- One roll of 2 in PVC tape
- Oneroll of 24 in butyl rubber tape
Dimensions: - Nominal Size: 1/4 in | 3/8 in | 1/2 in | 5/8 in
- Bonding Conductor Length: 1524.0 mm | 60 in
- Cable Jacketing Removal Length, maximum: 59.1 mm | 2.3 in
- Cable Jacketing Removal Length, minimum: 55.9 mm | 2.2 in
- Compatible Diameter, maximum: 15.240 mm | 0.600 in
- Compatible Diameter, minimum: 2.540 mm | 0.100 in
- Lightning Protection Test Method: IEC 1024-1
General Specifications: - Cable Type: Corrugated
- Grounding Kit Type: Universal Grounding Kits
- Color: Black
- Bonding Conductor Material Type: Copper
- Bonding Conductor Wire Size: 10 gauge
- Bonding Conductor Jacketing Material Type: PE
- Grounding Strap Material Type: Copper
- Lug Attachment: Factory attached
- Lug Type: Two-hole lug
- Rivet Material Type: Copper
- Weatherproofing Method: Butyl and electric tape
GK-SUNV - Andrew Universal Grounding Kit for 1/4 in through 5/8 in corrugated coaxial cable